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Law Office of Tiffanie Wilson 



Provide Contact Information

We make it easy for potential clients to share their contact information with us. This is the initial step towards becoming a client. The client contacts us or we contact them at their request.


Schedule and Conduct An Initial Consultation

Clients schedule their first meeting with us. During the meeting, we collect key information by discussing the potential client's legal needs. This helps the attorney determine how we can best assist the client. Further, we determine whether a potential client is a good fit for our firm by gathering relevant information and ensure there is no reason we can’t work with a potential client by performing a conflicts check.


New Client Onboarding

Client is provided a retainer agreement, client intake form, and information on when to expect invoices, how to pay invoices, and when the attorney/office is available. Attorney and Client discuss the attorney-client relationship and the responsibilities of each party. This information sets expectations for the client and leads to a more efficient experience for all.


Client Meetings and Attorney Work

Once the new client packet is received, the attorney sets a meeting with the client to discuss their case in more detail, outline a strategy for handling the client's legal needs, and gathers any more information needed to execute the case. The firm provides updates to the client as needed or upon request to ensure the client feels involved, informed, and assisted. 


Closing a Case 

Once the client's legal needs have been handled, the case is closed and the client is provided all necessary and requested information needed for a smooth transition. 


Feedback and Thank You

Client is provided a survey to give feedback on the service they received and thank you note for choosing The Law Office of Tiffanie Wilson. 

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